PO Box 440140 Aurora CO 80014-0140
Title: The Amorous Tinder
Author: Paolo Crocchiolo
Series: Contemporary European Cultural Studies
Imprint: The Davies Group, Publishers
134 pp.
soft cover
USD 18.00
ISBN 9781888570878
May 2004
In The Amorous Tinder: Is the Mind a Product of Natural Selection? Paolo Crocchiolo explores the extent to which the human mind is formed by its biological nature, and concludes
that the world we inhabit, and our own mind, are only one of the worlds and the minds that, out of the many possible, natural history has produced. This very evolutionary
approach is extended by the author to various aspects of the human mind, such as philosophy and the arts. Crocchiolo proposes, for instance, to turn upside down Leibniz’s
statement that “ours is the best of all possible worlds.” Rather than living in the best of all possible worlds, we seem to be the best possible organism, built and selected,
accumulating an immense number of adaptive advantages, and still capable of surviving and re-producing, even in the worst of all imaginable worlds.
Alberto Oliverio, Enlightened biology
The Amorous Tinder
An unexplored universe
April 6, 1327: First love is never forgotten
Adam and Steve in prehistory
Marilyn and the peacock’s tail
Let’s pretend it’s real
The ecstasy of S. Theresa and Stendhal’s syndrome
The spandrels of San Marco
Getting accustomed to the 1900s
De Prospectiva Pingendi
Calderón, Von Kleist: tribal ethics with variations
A stroll in Altemps Palace: Ars diabetica?
Hephaestus 2000: à la manière de Cesare Musatti
Inferiority of insects, or “equal dignity”?
The alchemy of emotions
A chat among friends
Noam Chomsky
Christopher Columbus and the spirit of Ulysses
As you like it
“The Amorous Tinder: Is the Mind a Product of Natural Selection? is a thoughtful and humanly rich collection of essays bridging the new biology of the mind with the
traditional inquiries of the humanities. A delightful read.”
— Antonio Damasio
Author of Descartes' Error and Looking for Spinoza
Director of the Brain and Creativity Institute and David Dornsife Professor of Neuroscience
University of Southern California
“The Amorous Tinder is a very original book, which works out of a modern world view of the human condition with which I closely agree.”
— Edward O. Wilson
University Professor Emeritus, Harvard University
“In a scholarly book that is beautifully written, Crocchiolo offers a modern evolutionary viewpoint on some of the deepest issues in the arts and sciences. His unique
perspective on the human condition challenges the limits of our imagination.”
— Victor Johnston, Professor of Psychobiology
New Mexico State University
Dr. Crocchiolo is Professor of Ethics and Global Policies, and Professor of Biology of the Human Mind, at the American University of Rome. He has authored numerous
scientific publications on biomedical and public health issues as well as publications addressing drug policies, HIV/AIDS policies and the biological/ historical/
philosophical background underlying current ethical visions and approaches. Books published include L’Esca amorosa (2004) and Il tocco della vita (2005).